sobota, 25 lutego 2012

Leaving Wrocław...

Why start a blog? Well... why not! There's so much interesting stuff going on. For example few months ago I left Wrocław and I moved to London to start my new job, which I really already like BTW ;) So... I think a few pictures is always a good start :D

That's my new workplace. Doesn't look so bad, right? I know it looks like a bank from outside, but definitively not from the inside. Maybe I can post some pictures next time. Anyway, IMO looks nice :) Ahh.. I work on the orange floor :D

These two were taken in march 2011. It was my first visit to London. They show Camden Town, an interesting district of London. You won't see districts like this in Wrocław ;) 

The last one I like the most, it shows that this city is colourful ;)