sobota, 17 marca 2012

Bavarian beer and food

Yesterday I was with my colleagues in a Bavarian Beerhouse. It's located on Old Street. They have a great selection of german beers of course. I've tried three of them and made some nice pictures :)

The dark Krombacher was realyy good. According to wikipedia Krombacher is one of Germany's best selling beer brand. Erdinger is a wheat beer, not my favorite type of beer but when your thirsty every beer is good, even ale :P I don't remember much about taste of Kaltenberg... but I do remember the food you can order there... so here it is Bavarian Beerhouse 'Wurstplatte' :D

I didn't try myself, but taking into account happy faces of my colleagues after they have cleaned out the plate I'm sure it was goooood :) So, if you're around don't hesitate, just go there and enjoy best german beer and Wurst!

sobota, 3 marca 2012

Weekend = Good Food

Ok, I really like weekends. The main reason is of course spare time which can be used to make gooood food and for slacking off, programming etc. :P Speaking of which...

Yep. The pictures speak for themselves ;) I was happy, Ewa was happy... and even our vagabond garden cat was happy!

In other words, I wish you all a good weekend! :))