sobota, 5 maja 2012

Stewed bramley apple sausages!

Today we bought some sausages stuffed with bramley apple! Bramley apple originated in the UK, they are very sour, that's why most often served cooked. Last time we had venison sausages, also very good, but these today were fantastic! :) We stewed them with red cabbage and a bit of mustard sauce.

I'm not sure what kind of wine should one drink to pork sausages, but Riesling served more than well ;) After such a delicious dinner I've smoked my pipe in our garden... it's a shame the day wasn't sunny, but well, you can't have eveyrthing :/ Hopefully it will get more sunny at the end of May!

Since some time I much more prefer pipe with wine than whisky, and again Riesling is a great companion :)