niedziela, 10 marca 2013

Yeast cake № 1

Today we've tried hard, and we've done it! Our first yeast cake was born :) Actually I was quite reluctant to bake any cakes today, but as usually Ewa was quite stubborn! So, I won't describe the whole recipe, because it's not special or something, just a "normal" yeast cake, I'll only post pictures :P
We had some problems with the dough at the beginning, so there was a moment of uncertainty, but after a long discussion (well, ok, quarrel...) we've developed a successful rescue action which basically meant more yeast, warmer place, so the dough grows properly. So here it is before putting it to the oven:

Yes, I know, doesn't look particularly appealing... but like an hour later:

Here's a nice one made by Ewa, mysterious yeast cake take three:

Not bad, right?! :) At least as for a first try! Soon we'll have a bite, it is resting a bit now, or hmmm... maybe it's better to wait for our flatmate to come back from work and have the first (deadly?) piece?