piątek, 17 maja 2013

Dover to St Margaret-at-Cliffe walk

It's been a while since I wanted to visit Dover and see the famous White Cliffs of Dover! Lately I've finally managed to do that. It turned out to be a one day lonesome trip, but actually I planned to stay somewhere for the night and also walk from Dover to Folkestone. It didn't work out quite well, because after walking from Dover to St Margaret-at-Cliffe and back my feet hurt a bit too much, so I decided to go back home, basically too much walking as for one day, I think it was something like 20km.

I took off at 10am from Victoria coach station. The ticket cost was £15 pounds, but as far as I remember within different time frame I could have bought it for £7. The trip lasted around 2.5h.

Basically there are two major tourist attractions in Dover. One of them is the Dover Castle, called the "Key to England", the largest castle in England and obviously the White Cliffs of Dover.

Personally I wanted to have a proper walk rather than wander most of the day around the Dover Castle, so I skipped it. I liked Dover so much, that I actually had to skip it, to have a reason to get back there!

Oh, oh, and obviously the third greatest tourist attraction are sheep... unfortunately this cute fellow behind bars.

For me the most amazing were the Cliffs of Dover themselves and the views of the Canal la Manche, oops, sorry, I wanted to say the English Channel ;)

Next city east from Dover is St Margaret-at-Cliffe. 

It has very nice bay called obviously St Margaret's Bay. Wikipedia says the the cliff above the bay is the one where the sun is supposed first to reach the UK every morning.

I should have spent more time there, it's a pity I did not... oh well, next time. Anyway, these areas are awesome. Actually the path I took is a Saxon Shore Way path, from Roman times. The plan is to get back there with a bigger backup of time and go even further. And at the end!