sobota, 13 lipca 2013

Baked sea bream

Since my last complaints in Plymouth I really wanted to have a nice whole baked fish. Yesterday my dreams came true :D So without further ado I present to you this:

We had a special guest preparing these for us yesterday, a chef with long time experience in restaurants of London, Mr Piotr Pilarz! ;) The fish was bought in Nag's Head market at Holloway Road, London. I'm not sure about the price though. Recipe? Well, that's the chefs secret unfortunately! :) Anyway, a lot of lemon, pepper and thyme and more or less it should work as expected :P Result? Awesome dinner!

środa, 3 lipca 2013


So I am systematically realizing my plan to see as much of England as I can, this time I even convinced one of my friends to come with me, although this wasn't easy mainly because some people just don't like overnight buses ;) I need to admit, the trip to Plymouth from London, Victoria Coach Station, wasn't super comfortable, but it was two times cheaper comparing to train tickets. Anyway, we made it, and there are few things to note for next such a trip, unfortunately lonesome one, I'm afraid I won't convince my friend again :D Firstly I'll try one of those inflatable sleeping pillows, otherwise my head may just fall off at some point, not a nice start of a trip. Secondly I'll buy an eye mask for traveling, so I'm not blinded by different kinds of lights all the time. I've looked up these items on Amazon, the cost is like 10 pounds for both. I'll skip ear plugs, it was really quiet in the bus, everyone was sleeping... well except few polish guys screaming at the back of the bus probably thinking that no one can possibly understand them ;)

We got out at Plymouth's bus station and headed towards the sea. It was freaking cold, so for a while I couldn't stop my teeth shaking, so thanks god for hot coffee we bought on a gas station. Actually Costa coffee from coffee machine was really good! We reached Sutton Harbour Marina and fortunately for us the sun was just coming out :)

From there we went further along the seaside, we had a nice view on the Plymouth Citadel built in the late 1660's I guess to make Plymouth a proper... you know, English city, what would be a city in England without a castle or citadel? Closer to the sea it was quite windy, hard to see that on the pictures though ;)

That's Drake's Island named after Sir Francis Drake, famous English sea captain. Interestingly enough it's private, you can't get there.

Since we arrived at Plymouth at 5:40AM it was about time to get some breakfast ;) Few pubs were open at about 8AM, and they were only serving... typical English (in this case Irish, but it doesn't make any difference really) breakfast! Yummy! :)

Moving further west and there's Hoe Promenade with few war memorials and I guess the most important Smeaton's Lighthouse finished in 1759, I've heard is one of bigger ones in the UK.

Now the most interesting stuff :D Visit in Plymouth Gin Distillery! We took a short tour, I can tell now it was worth it. You can learn a lot about the Plymouth Gin history, what are the ingredients and how gin is in general distilled. With regards to history I think the most interesting bit is that at some point every Royal Navy ship had a nice stock of Plymouth Gin as it was the official spirit on board :) There's even version of Plymouth Gin with Naval Strength and that is 57% whereas original strength is 41.2%. I remember someone saying that Royal Navy is still stocked with Plymouth Gin nowadays, but I couldn't find any confirmations of that fact.

Last thing, a bit sad though, so... what would you expect in a seaside city? Well, probably that you can buy in a restaurant/bar/pub a whole fried fish? Not some dodgy fillets. Let's say we looked quite long for one and as you can imagine we didn't find it. Maybe that's because health and safety reasons? :) I think the conversation below with one of the waitresses makes it clear that they don't usually sell whole fish...

- Do you sell a whole fish or a fillet?
- Yes, we have fish and chips.
- Yes, but do you sell a whole fish or just a fillet?
- It's a cod.
- Sure, but the fish, is it whole fish or is it just a fillet?
- I'ts a fillet.

We set off for London at 7:18PM. It indeed was a nice day! Last surprise for us was going back to London via South West Railway (Coastal) Path! Yes, basically it was a railway path laid on a beach :) Anyway, do I need to say more? Enjoy the pictures (sorry, the glass was dirty)!

Finishing with a nostalgic accent... see you next time.