niedziela, 5 lipca 2015

One year later, the last bit about Switzerland... better now than never!

I have always envisioned Switzerland as a rather uniform country with regards to language, culture and ethnicity, but it turns out that I was very much an ignorant. Traveling to the French and Italian parts has definitely widened my view. My overall conclusion is that all three parts of Switzerland are very different or at least the look and feel is. Taking into account that I've been there just for a bit more than a week I can be totally wrong, so take my opinions with a huge grain of salt please and test on your own!

I was briefly warned about Lausanne by my friend, that it is not as nice and safe as Zürich, and indeed it feels very different. Suddenly I felt like I'm not in the perfectly organized Switzerland anymore. More young people, street artists (or "artists"), different styles and subcultures clearly distinguishable. Felt more like recent home of mine, London that is. I liked it! My CouchSurfing host in Lausanne, Celso, was as nice as you can probably get. He and his cousin cooked a dinner for us, we had few beers and we've watched Sony PlayStation opening ceremony (yes, PlayStation opening ceremony... not that I'm a fan). Geeky atmosphere, I can handle that!

So when I was traveling around Switzerland, mostly with trains, there was something I really really liked. I could see it on every train station. What's that? People with backpacks, in trekking shoes, everywhere. I don't know why, but wherever I am, and I see a person with a huge backpack, sleeping bag and mat sticking out of it, I just get a warm fuzzy feeling. I don't exactly know why, probably it reminds how cool and unforgettable of an experience traveling/backpacking is! It makes me unhappy at times, especially when I travel to work in Canary Wharf (ugh, not my favorite place on the planet) with London Tube, I would love to switch places with that person! Oh well.

During my time in Switzerland I enjoyed really good weather. As a side note I wanted to mention how impossible it is to convince people that in London we're having quite good weather as well. All the rainy postcards and movies have irremediably made London the rain capitol of the World! Nicely done!

Train trip from Zürich to Lugano through Alps, nothing to describe here, you have to do it yourself! Yes, you have to! Amazing stuff.

Lugano is a real paradise, palm trees, yachts, beautiful women, great weather, mountains, lakes... I could go on like this for a while, so let me stop here, I'm sure you get the point. I stayed in a really nice hostel with a great view on the city. Traveling alone and staying in hostels has its advantages, you get to talk more with strangers rather than almost all the time to your travel buddy. I've also visited Bloomberg office in Lugano, it's situated in a district called Paradise, and it's very decent! They are constantly looking for C++ Developers, so who knows, hmmm... :)

End of journey, going back to Poland! Time to visit family and friends. Trip back was interesting as I met a Polish businessman who as it turned out, was working in London long time ago as well, so we had quite a bit of topics to discuss about.

No pictures this time, need to dig them out as this post is more than a year late! :)